clan 3's goal reached!19/12/2003
By: fragile

5 years of training, 5 hours of dueltraining everyday, we forgot our friends, family, lovers and even the need to eat!

clan 3 went to a special bootcamp in china. There we trained for 9 weeks just for this special game against xtz!

Well it paid off man, we manage to beat xtz in a glorious 3-2!

Also, we have taken some photos of the special bootcamp training and recorded all of our practice matches. You have to be a member of our special "clan 3 insider". With only 39,95 euros a month you can be a special member and you have access to demos, photos, t-shirts, autographs and much more! So don't hesitate and sign in!

frisb is adding the matchreport of xtz soon, be prepared, its going to be a killer cause we owned them hard with our 5 hours duel training a day!

Over and Out

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sure dude, why aren't you at #clan3 anymore key :P


ROFL LMFAO GJ! YOu Accept american pennies?



can i sign in?